Terms of use

IMPORTANT: Carefully read the information at the following links. They address warranties, liability, copyright, licensing, applicable law, policy, authorized and appropriate use, privacy, and other terms of use. By using this web site and the information it contains, you indicate your acceptance of these terms.

Publication Citations:

Any hardcopies utilizing the information found on our web site shall clearly indicate the source.

While the actual form of the citation may vary depending on the style of the journal or class instructor uses, database citations should include these items:

  • Database name,
  • URL
  • descriptive phrase indicating the database being cited or explaining the nature of the reference, and
  • date of access.

Example for LiDAR: Illinois Height Modernization Program, Illinois State Geological Survey, and Illinois Department of Transportation, 2002-2013, Illinois LiDAR county database: Illinois State Geological Survey, https://www.isgs.illinois.edu/nsdihome/webdocs/ilhmp/data.html (accessed May 10, 2013).

Example 1 for Orthoimagery: Illinois Natural Resources Geospatial Data Clearinghouse, Illinois State Geological Survey, https://www.isgs.illinois.edu/nsdihome/ (2005 Chicago Urban Area Orthoimagery; accessed March 23, 2007).

Example 2 for Orthoimagery: 2005 Chicago Urban Area Orthoimagery, Illinois Natural Resources Geospatial Data Clearinghouse, Illinois State Geological Survey, https://www.isgs.illinois.edu/nsdihome/webdocs/cua05/ (object name 16TCM67560; accessed March 23, 2007).

Electronic Map and Service Citations:

Any internet utilization of the information found on our web site shall clearly indicate the source.

Note: It is your responsibility to determine the copyright holder for any particular item and to determine what permissions may be needed to reproduce it.

All electronic maps and services shall contain a link to the appropriate metadata that is contained within the download package for the layer.

All applications containing the layer shall cite the “Illinois State Geological Survey”, or appropriate provider, as the data source on the application.

All services (ArcGIS Server, ArcSDE, WMS, etc.) shall be appropriately documented, including stating “Illinois State Geological Survey”, or appropriate provider, within the Copyright Text portion of the service.