This dataset contains point locations from the ISGS Wells and Borings database. The attribute information includes API_NUMBER, STATUS (well or boring type code), STATUS_TEXT (verbose description of the well or boring type), COMP_DATE (the well completion date), LATITUDE, and LONGITUDE. The spatial reference is geographic coordinates, decimal degrees, NAD83. The data are exported to a shapefile weekly from the Wells and Borings (source) database for Internet distribution. The source database is updated daily. Thus, there may be recent updates (last 7 days) in the source database that are not reflected in this shapefile. The data are primarily oil, gas and water wells, but also include other designations such as engineering boring, stratigraphic test hole, injection well, etc. The collection contains data for over 580,000 wells and borings, some dating back to 1801 (assumed.) Most locations have not been field verified. The nominal scale is 1:62,500, however locations have been determined in several different ways at different scales. Most commonly, the location is derived by converting a legal (i.e. Public Land Survey Survey - PLSS) description to a point location. The stated accuracy is +/- 100 feet, however some points may be inaccurate by as much as one mile due to irregularities in the Illinois PLSS and associated descriptions. For legal descriptions that indicate only a PLSS section or quarter-section, the point is assumed to be in the center of the respective section or quarter-section. Additional detailed information about these wells and borings is available free of charge online through the Illinois State Geological Survey in the ILOIL (oil and gas) and ILWATER (water and related wells) interactive map services. Additional information may include owner, permit details, PLSS location, total depth, surface elevation, geologic formation and material description, driller's log, and down-hole logs.