The data are not appropriate as a geodetic, legal or engineering base. The data set was not and is not intended as a substitute for surveyed locations, such as can be determined by a registered Public Land Surveyor. Although useful in a GIS as a reference base layer for maps, the data set has no legal basis in the definition of boundaries or property lines.
Recent updates to the data:
In March 2004 edition 1.0 of the data set was transitioned to storage in an Oracle RDBMS using the ArcSDE geodatabase model. The result (this version) is designated Edition 20040331.
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Links to these are provided in the Cross References section.
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Any use of these data is governed by University and campus policies, in particular, but not limited to, the Policy on Appropriate Use of Computers and Network Systems at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the ISGS Terms of Use document available at the ISGS Web site, and the University of Illinois Web Privacy Notice. Links to these are provided in the Cross References section.
Map information is to be used at a scientifically and cartographically appropriate scale, that is, at a scale no greater than indicated on the map or as described in the documentation of the map or map data. Map information is not appropriate for, and is not to be used as, a geodetic, legal, or engineering base. Map information has no legal basis in the definition of boundaries or property lines and is not intended as a substitute for surveyed locations such as can be determined by a registered Public Land Surveyor.
The data do not replace the need for detailed site-specific studies.
TIC # N. Latitude (degrees) W. Longitude (degree)
06 ~ 37 91 51 37 90 53 ~ 37 88 20 ~ 42 91 23 ~ 42 88 26 41 91 29 41 88 32 40 91 35 40 88 38 39 91 41 39 88 45 38 90 47 38 88
Note: a ( ~ ) tilde indicates the primary tics used for the statewide map.
The features were imported into the ISGS SDE enterprise database following steps outlined in ISGS procedure GISDB_0009.
As the word NUMBER is a reserved word in Oracle, the field NUMBER was renamed to NUM.
Metadata updated.
GNTYPE - General structural type 1 - normal fault or fault (type unknown) 2 - reverse or thrust fault 3 - strike-slip fault 4 - graben 5 - faulted flexure
NAME - the name of the structure
NUM - The item NUM is an unique value assigned to each member of a GNTYPE. For example, the Albion Ridgeway Fault Zone is feature number 1 of the normal fault general type, while Albion Ridgeway Fault Zone (Ridgeway Graben) is feature number 1 of the graben general type. Thus the combination of GNTYPE and NUM can be used to uniquely identify any feature. The relationship of NAME and NUM is shown in the following table.
NAME NUM ---------------------------------------------- ------ Albion Ridgeway Fault Zone 1 Albion Ridgeway Fault Zone (Ridgeway Graben) 1 Atwood Fault 2 Bodenschatz-Lick Fault Zone 43 Cap au Gres Faulted Flexure (monoclinal) 41 Centralia Fault Zone 3 Cook County Faults 29 Cottage Grove Fault (Lt. hand strike-slip) 4 Cottage Grove Fault (Lt. hand strike slip) 4 Cottage Grove Fault System 4 Cottonwood Fault (Ridgeway Graben) 5 Crown Fault (Rt. hand strike-slip) 39 Delta Fault 6 Des Plaines Disturbance Fault 37 Dixon Springs Graben 49 Dowell Fault Zone 7 Equality Fault 55 Girard Fault 40 Herald-Phillipstown Fault 9 Herald-Phillipstown Fault Zone 9 Inman East Fault 10 Inman Fault 11 Inman Fault (Inman Graben) 11 Inman West Fault (Inman Graben) 12 Junction Fault 13 Little Cache Fault Zone 45 Lusk Creek Fault Zone 48 Maunie Fault Zone 14 Mud Creek Fault Zone 17 New Harmony Fault Zone 56 North Fork Fault 18 Omaha Graben 54 Pitcher Lake Fault 19 Plum River Fault Zone 20 Pomona Fault 21 Rend Lake Fault Zone 22 Ribeyre Island Fault 23 Rock Creek Graben 52 Sandwich Fault Zone 25 Shawneetown Fault Zone 26 Sicily Fault 38 Ste. Genevieve Fault Zone 24 Wartrace Fault Zone 46 White Ash Fault Zone 27 Winkleman Fault 28 unnamed Fault (New Burnside Anticline) 47 unnamed Fault (Pinckneyville Anticline) 42 unnamed Fault (SE of Lawrenceville Dome) 57 unnamed Fault (Wine Hill Dome) 53 unnamed Faults (Hardin County) 51 unnamed Faults (Johnson County) 32 unnamed Faults (Massac County) 44 unnamed Faults (Pope County) 50 unnamed Faults (Pulaski County) 34 unnamed Faults on Troy Grove Dome 35
DIRECTION: Direction is also indicated in the attribute DIRECTION. It lists the general compass direction of the displaced side of a fault (upthrown side for reverse or thrust fault and downthrown side for a normal fault) relative to the general trend of the fault of the fault. For example, for a N-S trending normal fault, a DIRECTION value of E indicates that the east side is downthrown relative to the west side. The fault's DIRECTION is frequently a single direction, but in the case of curvilinear arcs more than one direction may be indicated. For example, consider a normal fault with a general trend of E-W that curves to become SE-NW as one follows the fault from east to west. A DIRECTION value of N-NE indicates that the north-northeast side is the relatively downthrown side. If the fault has no downthrown side indicated, the DIRECTION attribute value is "None".
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Illinois Natural Resources Geospatial Data Clearinghouse
Generated by mp version 2.8.25 on Thu Apr 02 09:54:14 2009