This file contains descriptions for each item in the doqindex.dbf file. These items were extracted from the DOQ header data and MrSID processing output for each DOQ. Items included here are unique to each DOQ and do not include additional information pertinent to all DOQs, which is included in the FGDC-compliant metadata file (such as the projection, which is UTM).
This file was last modified 5/2/2000 by C.S. McGarry.
Codified USGS name. Files are stored with the USGS file naming conventions. The USGS subdivides data by 1 x 1 degree tile based on the coordinates of the southeast corner. Each 1 x 1 degree tile contains:
There are 27 1 x 1 degree tiles that intersect Illinois.
Here is the general form for path and filename:
<1 x 1 degree tile><quad designation><quadrant>
For example, the southwest quadrant of the Urbana, IL quadrangle is 40088A24, where 40 is the tile latitude, 088 is the tile longitude, A2 is the quadrangle location in the tile, and 4 is the southwest quadrant of the quadrangle. Names are independent of file format. This nomenclature is applicable to the original
DOQ files (GeoTIFF) or the MrSID compressed files (SID).